HYC Stage 5


Stage 5 Unit 1 – Numbers and the number system - Mathswatch

Identify multiples of numbers.N11

Identify factors of numbers.N10

Identify prime numbers.N30a

Find square and cube numbers.N25


Stage 5 Unit 2 – Counting and Comparing 

Order numbers with up to 7 digits.N2a

Read Roman numerals. 

Interpret negative numbers in context.N18

Interpret place value in numbers with up to 7 digits.N1a


Stage 5 Unit 3 – Addition and subtraction 

Add numbers which do not require column addition.N3a

Add numbers which require column addition.N3b

Subtract numbers which do not require column subtraction.N4a

Subtract numbers which require column subtraction.N4b

Identify when addition or subtraction is needed as part of solving multi-step problems.N4a/b


Stage 5 Unit 4 – Multiplication and Division 

Multiply and divide numbers including decimals by 10, 100 or 1000.N17a

Use long multiplication to multiply by a two-digit number. 

Use the method of short division to divide by a one-digit number.N16

Solve problems involving multiplication and division.N16


Stage 5 Unit 5 – Investigating properties of shapes 

Know the definition and properties of a rectangle and know the definition of a polygon.G14

Use properties of a rectangle to find missing lengths and angles.G14

Use properties of a rectangle to find points on a coordinate grid.A1a

Identify whether or not a polygon is regular.G11


Stage 5 Unit 6 – Visualising and constructing 

Identify 3D shapes from photographs.G12a

Identify 3D shapes from sketches.G12b

Identify 3D shapes from nets.G12c

Identify 3D shapes from diagrams on isometric paper.G12

Construct diagrams of 3D shapes on isometric paper.G12


Stage 5 Unit 7 – Exploring time 

Convert a given time into a different unit of time.N7b

Solve a problem involving different units of time.N7b

Read and interpret information given in a timetable.N21b

Complete a table given information.N21b

Convert between times.N7b


Stage 5 Unit 8 – Exploring fractions, decimals and percentages

Compare and order fractions using diagrams.N23a

Compare fractions without diagrams. 

Write equivalent fractions of a given fraction.N23b

Read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal places.N2b

Understand that percent relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’, and write percentages as a fraction with denominator 100, and as a decimal.N32


Stage 5 Unit 9 – Pattern Sniffing 

Count forwards in tens, hundreds and thousands from any positive number.N12

Count backwards in tens, hundreds and thousands from any positive number.N12

Count forwards through zero.N12

Count backwards through zero.N12


Stage 5 Unit 10 – Measuring space 

Convert between centimetres and metres and between kilograms and grams.R2

Know rough imperial to metric conversions and vice versa.R2

Use rough equivalents between metric and imperial units when solving problems.R2

Use rough equivalents between metric and imperial units when solving problems.R2


Stage 5 Unit 11 – Investigating angles 

Know that angles are measured in degrees, know that angles in a full turn total 360° and identify angles at a point. 

Know that angles on a straight line total 180o and identify angles on a straight line.G13

Know that a reflex angle is greater than 180o and estimate the size of angles.G13

Use a protractor to measure angles.G13

Use a protractor to draw angles.G13


Stage 5 Unit 12 – Calculating fractions, decimals and percentages

Convert a mixed number into an improper fraction and vice versa.N36

Add and subtract fractions when one denominator is a multiple of the other.N34

Multiply a proper fraction by a whole number. 

Establish percentage and decimal equivalents of fractions with a denominator of 20, 25, 40 and 50.N32

Solve problems involving numbers up to 3.d.p.N32


Stage 5 Unit 13 – Calculating space 

Calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes when some dimensions are unknown.G8b

Calculate the area of a square and rectangle.G20b

Estimate area of irregular shapes.G9

Estimate volume and capacity. 


Stage 5 Unit 14 – Checking, approximating & estimating

Round any number up to 1 000 000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000.N27a

Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.N27a

Estimate addition and subtraction calculations with up to four digits.N38

Estimate multiplication calculations.N43a

Estimate division calculations that involve dividing be a single digit number. 


Stage 5 Unit 15 – Mathematical movement 

Identify translations and reflections. 

Carry out a translation described using mathematical language.G5

Carry out reflections using mirror lines.G4a

Describe a reflection using mirror lines.G4a/b

Know the meaning of ‘congruent’, ‘congruence’, ‘object’ and ‘image’.G4a/b


Stage 5 Unit 16  – Presentation of data 

Understand the difference between a line graph and a bar-line chart.S2a

Identify when a line graph is an appropriate way to show data. 

Read values from a line graph. 

Answer one- and two-step questions about data in line graphs. 

Solve problems using information presented in a line graph. 

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